Sunday, May 10, 2015

Springtime In Munich

I have been diagnosed (by a orthopedist, a neurologist and a rheumatologist) with carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. Poor me. Poor Douglas, really as I must wear these consarned braces and am not allowed to use my hands. NOT ALLOWED TO USE MY HANDS! Yes, as I type this I am indeed using my hands. But I'll be brief and make this a photo blog.

I have written before (at Christmastime) about how wonderful the window shopping is here in Munich. Here are a few more examples.

Some of the snails we see here have lovely shells like fine wood.

Flowers (intended and unintended) pop up all over our neighborhood.

All sorts of families head to the English Garden to picnic.

I guess to save money on lawn mowing, they brought in the sheep to the English Gardens.

Every spring is Frühlingsfest (Springfest). It's like a mini Oktoberfest. Mom and dad were in town last year and we danced.

Douglas's sister Kim visited us and participated in (and even got to lead) Tai Chi in the English Gardens. This man brought his very young daughter to the circle. I thought, "Oh, dear." But this pictures tells a lot. She watched and watched. He then guided her hands to some of the moves.

Here you can see Douglas and Kim.

Everybody appreciates spring in Munich.

We had two or three days of extreme winds. Many trees were lost in the English Gardens.

Thank God this tree, with the swing, survived.

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