Saturday, September 5, 2015

My Personal Pool of Bethesda

I returned to the States with a bit of apprehension. You see I have a volatile relationship with food. I fairly obsess over it. (I'm lucky I'm so hyper or I'd be huge I'm sure.) Anyway, I had a line up (in no particular order) of what I looked forward to putting in my mouth when I got home: fountain served Pepsi, Taco Bell (grilled stuffed burrito - no beans, no guacamole, extra beef), dark chocolate M&Ms, Bruegger's Bagels (rosemary olive oil bagel with light herb garlic cream cheese), Haagen Daz Belgian Chocolate-Chocolate ice cream,  (I could go on, but it may get boring or I may need to take a break and dash to the mall). I was afraid I'd come home and gorge myself. So far, so good. This is, in part, due to the healing properties Falls Church has on me. 

When I first lived in Falls Church in 2009 I was in my own personal boot camp. (You can read about it in my first blog called "If I Can.") Basically I started eating better, exercising regularly, praying daily again and studying. The first morning back recently I went for a walk along a trail I frequented when I lived here before. There was a moment (unsolicited) in which I felt a small wave or sensation drape over me and I knew I was going to be alright. I knew I would maintain the discipline I hoped to. 

One of my favorite local trees. I don't know what kind it is, I just love the wood; it looks rich.

Immediately I thought of the Bible story about the pool of Bethesda. Many sick or in some way physically unwell lay around this pool waiting for an angel to stir the water. Whoever got into the water first after the angel stirred it would be healed. I guess that, as I walked down that path that first morning, it was a bit of a Pavlovian response. Long ago I established Falls Church as a place of self improvement. Even though I've been away twice for years it is still a magical place that enables me to be what I most strive to be. I have succeeded here before; that success will continue today.

Four Mile Run Stream

It's only been two days, but I've already had small victories like ordering salmon instead of the french dip and fries and water instead of Pepsi. I'm seeing the importance of practice and forming habits. In the two years that I lived in these apartments I can count on my fingers how many times I took the elevator - due to luggage or an excessive amount of groceries. I am currently living on the seventh floor and automatically take the stairs.

I'll be living in this area longer this time - at least two years, quite possibly three - so I need some goals so I can ride this tide of betterment. One goal is to learn my way around. I never did in the past, in part, because of the amount of time required to study language. This time I don't have that excuse. Douglas and I'll likely be living in Silver Spring, Maryland while he works in D.C. proper. I've heard of an urban orienteering group I may join.

I failed to achieve my one goal I set for living in Munich. I did not finish my novel. I'm disappointed in myself because of that. If I don't finish it while living here I don't know what I'll do. I did form some good writing habits in Munich so I'll use those to move forward.

I'm planning on teaching piano again so I'll set some goals for my practice - memorizing pieces for example.

In Munich I had the English Garden to walk through; in Silver Spring we'll have Wheaton Regional Park and Rock Creek Park. (Douglas and I have had fun with Rock Creek Park in our search for the perfect neighborhood. We like the idea of living near a park, but we are fans of NCIS and know how many people get killed in Rock Creek Park. So we always say, "Not Rock Creek Park! People get killed there." In reality, between 2002 - when Chandra Levy was found dead there - and 2013 there were no murders in the park. I guess that's comforting.)

There is an ornamental tree garden along part of the path I walk on.

A detail from the tree.

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