Saturday, May 9, 2020

Quarantine Bloglette: It's Come to This

Douglas and I are trying to make the most of our time during this isolation. We aren't binge watching anything; we're trying to use our time well.

That said, sometimes we succumb to the mind-numbing changeless atmosphere of this apartment and these Embassy grounds. A week or so ago, we spent a perfectly good Friday night playing the card games War and Flip, neither of which we had played since our childhood.

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It's not like we've never been bored during normal times. I remember one time I was determined to learn how to play my armpit the way the boys did in elementary school. I just wasn't getting it. Douglas tried to teach me, to no avail.

It came to a head this past week. At least I hope this was the pinnacle of boredom for us in our lives together. I was taking a bath and Douglas was keeping me company. (Don't worry, this is G-rated.) I was finished with all I had to do, but wasn't ready to get out of the deep, warm water. For some reason (dare I posit: boredom?) I was thinking of how I never did figure out how to play my armpit - and I had tried both pits with both hands. I thought, maybe it's easier when you're wet. So I positioned myself and gave it a try. Nothing. Any amorous thoughts Douglas may have had were quickly being drowned. I don't know which of us suggested it, I'll say it was me to save Douglas any further embarrassment. But we wound up with Douglas's hand in my armpit trying to make music, or whatever you call it that emits from the pits when you cup your hand over them and flap your arms up and down. Still nothing.

Nothing except this blog, that it. I've been running a little dry lately on daily posts, and, keeping true to my word, "No Bunk," I won't post unless I have something to say.

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures I took on my walk today. Spring in Moscow.

I hope you can see the twist in the trunk of this beautiful tree.

I don't know what kind of tree this is, but it's very fragrant.

This is a beautiful plant I noticed by the green.  Judging by its leaves, I think it's a type of holly.

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