Monday, June 1, 2020

Ranting and Raving

I was recently accused of always being on a rampage. This accusation came to me by someone whom I'm quite close to, someone whom I talk to regularly. We have gone our separate ways ideologically over the years. (She voted for Donald Trump and is quite pleased about it; I'm disgusted and heartsick. That's just one example of our differences.) I don't like going on rampages, but I don't like what's going on in our country either. And I'd rather rant about it than stick my head in the ground and pretend that everything's fine, just fine. Because if my head is in the ground, that means my bahookie is up in the air for all to see and it's either sending a message or issuing an invitation, neither of which I want to do.

Rampage is an exaggeration of what I have done; rant is a better word. Here's a rant for you:

I'm tired of . . .

. . . people hearing the name "Keesha" over the phone, and assume they know exactly what sort of person they're talking to.

. . . customer service representatives (male or female) hearing my female voice on the phone, rejecting my legitimate request only to grant it when I put my husband on the phone.

. . . people seeing a white male and assuming privilege.

. . .  people automatically blaming graffiti, litter and such crimes on teens and children.

. . .people seeing an 'R' or 'D' behind a name on a ballot and assuming what they stand for.

. . . people saying that people with public platforms are "talking to hear themselves talk" when  they have something to say that the listener didn't know or understand.

. . . people hearing a foreign language and complaining, "They come here; they need to learn English!"

. . . people who lack the words and composure to deal with wrongs without guns (and those who support their 'right' to do so)

. . . people using the race of someone almost exclusively when someone of a color other than white has done something rude or criminal.

. . .  an occasional occurrence of someone of color not signaling, cutting into line, shorting someone change turning into an accusation of "They all-" never signal, cut into line, shortchange people.

If all I did was rant, it would serve little purpose. I do write letters to congressmen and women and I vote and I usually obey the law. (I've been known to exceed the speed limit.) We all need someone to whom we can rant on occasion. Dear readers, please share your rants with me (even if they're about me). Let me know if I can share them in a future post. I will not use your name.


  1. good rant :)
    i agree with all points except the one about white privilege. here's the definition:
    White privilege doesn't mean your life isn't hard, can't be hard, or was never hard. It means the color of your skin will never be a factor in what's causing your difficulties.

    1. Good definition, thank you. Perhaps I should have left the white privilege rant out, I'm not sure. I wrote it because bias can go in many unexpected directions.

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